Friday, November 27, 2009

Wrinkles in the dress

Today I started with coloring the dress using Rembrandt's Ultramarine Blue. A very powerfull but nicely transparant blue. I use a very thin glace with a lot of pigment in there. This shows almost no color on the dark stripes but shows well on the white stripes. Next layer the color will show in full on the darks as well. The white stripes will be uplighted with Titan White using the blue for shadows in the wrinkles. The wrinkels in the dark strips will be highlighted as well.

The detail picture will show more detail on the wrinkles:

Monday, November 23, 2009

Stumbling on...

I know I did it myself.... painting so many bricks and floor elements. It is a hard job to paint everything in one color with different tones. Trying to make 1 whole of the painting. Some of the yellowish (Still the grain) is cooled with violet (sand and floor tiles) and highlights are worked out with warmed titan white. The talon (broken stone) is painted with 1 layer of warmed still de grain. This in order to relfect the sand stone of the orignal.

Friday, November 13, 2009

What a difference a daylight lamp makes.....

This week I decided that I have been brave and surprised myself with a daylight easellamp. What a difference that makes painting durin day and night! Compleet new colors on your painting.....

Today I have spot glazed the wall with oxide red transparent and worked out all highlights with titan white warmed with still the grain yellow. I am quit happy with the result. The next layer, a very thin glaze of probaly transparant white and/or ultramarin blue will cool down the colors and bring these more together. Not so happy with the balloon, need to cool down this color as well. But will keep that to the end.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Wall, first layer..

Today I've finished the first layer on the wall. This layer is the color Still de Grain with highlights in Titan White. It still looks like what it is: a colored underpainting. Although some of the bricks in the wall already start looking like a brick I seriously hope that the next layer will bring me more to reality...